For years, Apple has been working to build its chipsets using a smaller manufacturing process. The A13 chipset found in this year’s iPhones are built on the 7nm process, but if a report from Nikkei is to be believed, Apple’s 2020 iPhones could actually feature new chipsets that are built using the smaller 5nm process.

In case you’re wondering how this affects you as an end user, basically by using a smaller process, it allows more power to be packed into a smaller space. Ultimately, this in theory should result in a chipset that is more efficient and more powerful, but yet smaller, which could leave more space for other components.

Apple’s shift to the 5nm process doesn’t really come as a surprise. In fact, if anything, it was really only a matter of time before they did. This is also what other companies are working towards, but exactly what kind of gains and improvements we’ll see over the A13 chipset remains to be seen, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

In addition to the smaller process, the report corroborates rumors that 2020’s iPhones will come with 5G, and that Apple is expected to take advantage of Qualcomm’s X55 5G modem. We have heard that Apple is apparently interested in developing their own modems, but we won’t be seeing those arrive anytime soon.

Filed in Apple >Cellphones >Rumors. Read more about and . Source: asia.nikkei

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