If you do a lot of writing, then Grammarly might be a software you have heard of. For those unfamiliar, Grammarly is a piece of software that can check your grammar as you write, identifying problematic sentences and so on. This is helpful regardless of whether or not English is your native language.

For the most part, Grammarly is more or less the dominant software when it comes to these features, but Microsoft is looking to challenge the app with their new software called Microsoft Editor.

According to Microsoft, “Many of us are working or attending school remotely, and with so much communication happening through writing it is more than important than ever that you communicate clearly. Microsoft Editor, an AI-powered service that enables you to write with confidence in 20+ languages, can help.”

Microsoft Editor will exist on multiple platforms, where it can be used in other Microsoft apps such as Word and Outlook. It will be capable of offering rewrite suggestions and also checks for similarity. Editor exists also as a browser extension. This means that if you use web-based word processing software, like Google Docs, Editor can also help in that regard.

If you are interested in the Microsoft Editor, Microsoft notes that the availability of Editor will be rolling out starting today, and it should be available to the masses by the end of April.

Filed in Computers. Read more about , and . Source: techcommunity.microsoft

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