International Space Station sees humanoid robot take residence
Babyloid: a robot baby to cure depression
AMD G-Series could be named UnFuse
Button pushing machine works remotely, worldwide
Soon we will be running away from robot cheetahs
Paintball Robot is one scary machine
Toyota Robots master the trumpet and the violin
ReCon 6.0 Programmable Rover – for kids interested in robots
Activision Wappy Dog works with your NDS
M1 Mobile Manipulator robot
Japan to send tweeting robot to space
Samsung Tango Stealth robotic vacuum cleaner
Airport face-scanning robots turned off
Robot dog built with Kondo hobby servo motors
Nimbus wall-following robot
Fujitsu humanoid robot cleans our white boards
Kinect hack gives you magic powers over Roomba
DIY your own telepresence robot for $500
RoboPutt helps with your game at a cost
Insectohopter flies and spies for the CIA