KIRO is first volunteer robot in the world
Festo SmartBird can be mistaken for the real thing
Tico robot looks like it could be WALL-E's taller cousin
Robotic octopus arm mimics the real one
Teroos shoulder-mounted avatar's exists for communication purposes
Aldebaran robotics wants Nao to be more helpful in disastrous situations
Swarming robots could be used to search for life on mars
Japan robot helps out in earthquake disaster
iRobots to go where no humans can go in Japan
REEM-H2, the humanoid service robot
Microrobot used to administer drugs in eyes
Snake robot might just come in handy during earthquake clean up operations
Drug dispensing robots increase hospital efficiency and accuracy
Nao robot offers Kinect control
DART robot hand types what you say
Geminoid-DK robot could pass off as a human being
The Elfoid is one freaky looking telepresence robot
Chef Cui, the noodle shaving robot
Prospero robot plants seeds regardless of outside weather
International Space Station sees humanoid robot take residence