Scientists develop ‘’most realistic' robot legs ever
Brain scanner links man to robot
SHIRI robot butt actually fears, and responses with emotion
Robot to fill potholes and clean city roads?
Mahoro lab android performs dangerous lab work
AndyVision robots might spell end of retail assistants
Roachbot 2.0 set to thrill
Gundam-themed hotel brings out the boy in you
Robot learns about body language
Popchilla robot toy might be able to help autistic children
Robot hand wins every time at Rock, Paper, Scissors game
K-pop Star Robots will emulate the dance moves of South Korea's famous pop groups
First robotic liver procedure happens in Italy
Robots to arrange rooms according to your needs
Samsung's robot patent mimics human walk
SimBaby robot baby helps train doctors and nurses
Are insect robots the future of military drones?
BoxingBots let you do the dirty without getting hurt physically
Tactile robot finger could pave the way for advancements in prostheses
DARPA developing robots to sew their uniforms