While patience is generally rewarded, it seems that if you’re a Sony Ericsson fan in the UK who has been patiently waiting for the XPERIA X2 to be released, you won’t be rewarded this time. Despite delays and other minor hiccups here and there, most people would have been expecting to be able to get their hands on the XPERIA X2 a short while back, now it seems that Vodafone UK says that the phone no longer fits within its planned portfolio, and as such, Sony Ericsson will not be bringing the phone to the UK. If you’ve got your heart dead set on the XPERIA X2, you might have to source yours somewhere else. Surprisingly though, Expansys is still taking orders for the phone, though it might be quite hard for it to fulfill those orders now.
Filed in Ericsson, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Vodafone, X2, Xperia and Xperia X2.
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