[MWC 2010] Today Alcatel-Lucent announced a new cloud based developer platform that will drastically change the traditional API (application programming interface) aggregation model, according to the company. Alcatel-Lucent’s developer platform provides service providers and enterprises with tools that enable partners and third-party developers to build, test, manage and distribute applications across networks, including television, broadband Internet and mobile. The company claims that its new platform will make the application development process more efficient, will accelerate the distribution across networks and will boost the whole ecosystem revenue.
To achieve this goal, Alcatel Lucent is launching a set of developer tools including a Virtual SandBox and a Dashboard. Additionally, the new platform will offer a bundling model for revenue sharing, combining a collection of two or more APIs/Web services that developers can use to create a new application, eliminating the upfront API fees traditionally required.
The Virtual Sandbox provides developers with an environment in which they can simulate, test and verify new applications across service provider networks for delivery across a wide range of platforms.
The Dashboard (picture) offers developers real-time business analysis of application activity, API statistics, costs and the revenue potential of applications. Using the Dashboard, developers can simulate various business and revenue models before spending significant time in designingan application.
“The research we’ve done with more than 1,000 developers shows that the bundled approach to aggregation could drive up an API’s value by 200-300 percent versus its value on its own. It also shows that developers want to participate in API revenue sharing and have access to service provider analytics.” said Johnson Agogbua, head of Application Enablement solutions for Alcatel-Lucent.
This looks great on the paper but we have not tried the system and we have not even seen the platform (beside the screenshot in the article). I recommend to the programmers and the entrepreneurs attending MWC to have a look at the Alcatel-Lucent demo, in the “Application Planet” Hall 7, booth #7D61. For more information, go to http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/application_enablement/
Filed in Api, Developers, MWC and MWC 2010.
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