id Software’s John Carmack is a programming genius, and to see him take the iPhone’s gaming credibility to the next level is sheer joy. The graphical maestro as come up with an iPhone version of Rage, complete with MegaTextures and a 60 frames-per-second framerate. Of course, a demonstration of it was done on the latest iPhone 4, but according to John, it could also run on the iPhone 3GS, saving you the itch to upgrade in the process. As for the best visual experience, you would have to go with the iPad. When it hits the App Store later this year, expect it to be cheap in line with the overall App Store model, but for those who want something more comprehensive, there is a PC/console release next year. No word on whether Rage for the Android platform will arrive or not, as Carmack is still trying to make up his mind on whether that will happen after a 6-month evaluation. Check out a video of Rage on the iPhone in the extended post – seeing is believing!
Filed in Id Software, John Carmack and Rage.
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