Fanboys of a particular device – say a smartphone, can argue till the cows come home on the pros and cons of their particular handset. Well, what better way to settle all disputes than using cold, hard facts? That’s what Verizon Wireless did with their latest comparison chart, pitting the upcoming Samsung Continuum with the Droid X, Droid 2, Incredible and Fascinate – all top tier Android-powered handsets. Sadly enough for the Continuum, it has the Fascinate for company as both will run on Android 2.1, so here’s to an Android 2.2 update rolling out soon. Processor-wise, it hums along at 1GHz albeit on a different platform, while losing out to Motorola’s two offerings in terms of ROM count at 512MB compared to 8GB. Its display resolution is also less, and the 5-megapixel camera is the minimum among the bunch with the Droid X and Droid Incredible sporting 8-megapixel shooters. Lacking HDMI out, you can’t view your recorded videos on an HDTV, only the Droid X does that at the moment among the five. At least the microSD memory card slot lets you hold up to another 32GB of storage space. Just in case you can’t see the chart above too well, we have a larger version available by clicking on “Photo gallery”. Worth a purchase? It depends on your needs and wants, really.
Filed in Samsung, Samsung Continuum, Verizon and Vzw.
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