[Blackberry World] RIM has just announced that a new BlackBerry Video Chat app will be making its way over to the BlackBerry PlayBook. The app will finally allow PlayBook users to make video calls to other PlayBook users with RIM’s own app. As mentioned in our PlayBook review, the tablet didn’t come with an app out of the box, so it’s good to know that RIM is working hard to fill up the void of missing apps.
The BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat app features: one-click video and voice over WiFi calls, incoming call notifications, in-call functions that let you switch cameras easily and preview how you look with a picture in picture function, and a friends list for maintaining your favorite contacts. A call log also keeps track of calls you made, received, or missed.
The BlackBerry Video Chat will be distributed to all BlackBerry PlayBook tablets beginning May 3 as an over the air (OTA) update and will also be available on the BlackBerry App World. Keep your eyes peeled for it.
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Filed in Blackberry Playbook, Blackberry World, RIM, Tablet and Video Chat.
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