vmware-horizon-app-managerVMWare, one of the main force behind cloud computing, has realized that having people use many different services in the enterprise does create some unique challenges. They can be as obvious as remembering many passwords, or as difficult as creating accounts for each employee for each internal and 3rd party service that the company uses. The Horizon App Manager solves many of these problems.

First, it lets the enterprise manage and create account for every employee automatically (via internal or 3rd party APIs). That probably means that the company owns the account for each services like box.net and others… Horizon App Manager also remember all the passwords , just like Roboform or Lastpass would do. The employees can effectively use the App Manager as a HUB for their cloud activities.


The Admin interface of the Horizon App Manager

Workers can also have access to their personal cloud services. In that case, the App Manager becomes a simple HUB that remembers their password. There is no provisioning involved.

In the end, the VMWare Horizon App Manager seems to solve the delicate problem of cloud services provisioning for businesses of all sizes. The application also works on all devices that have a decent web browser. At the moment, VMWare targets businesses, but the company does realize that consumers also face similar challenges.

Check VMWare’s website to get all the details.

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