Back in Januaray, we reported about the TankBot: a remote-controlled robot vehicle that is capable of moving through all sorts of terrain. It is even capable of finding its way through mazes thanks to its infrared sensors that lets it detect its environment and even the hand movements of people around it. But what’s cool about this device is that users will be able to download an app for their smartphones (currently iOS and Android only) to control the robot remotely. The TankBot comes with sound effects that let it growl, honk and even cry for help if it tips over. It has a retractable USB charger that ensures that you won’t have to deal with any missing chargers either.
Folks interested in picking up one of these toys for themselves (or someone else) will be able to starting today, because Desk Pets International has announced that the TankBot will be on sale at Radio Shack and Toys R Us nationwide. The TankBot will be available for $24.99 while the remote control app will be downloadable for free on the Android Market of Apple App Store.