Sometimes, you just want to share your feelings with others on the road not through vulgar hand signals and signs, but in a far more civilized manner via a message. Having a notice or signboard would help greatly, but can people read your handwritten message at night? A hacker hailing from Chandigarh, India, decided to literally take matters into his own hands with an innovative and interesting DIY project to display various programmable information such as “Drive Slow”, “Turning Right” and “Turning Left”, all without requiring the obstruction of your rear view mirror view.

This 40 x 16 LED matrix display has been fitted onto a Volkswagen Polo with LED lights that sport a 2cm space between each LED, where all of them are connected to an AT89C51 micro-controller. Seems to work pretty well at night, and can also caution others on the highway. Now if only there was a way to type your own messages on-the-fly so that you can dynamically update it while driving…

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