Developer Adam Green, who has built up his fair share of credibility, has uncovered some rather interesting snippets of information today – one that has something to do with Samsung working alongside Internet search giant Google to deliver the future Nexus phone. It seems that Adam Green has managed to stumble upon some “proof” of such a potential partnership, claiming lines of code which were written on Google’s own Git Repository of a kernel which they are currently working on, sporting specifications such as an Exynos5250 dual core processor, a Mali GPU, a S5k4E5 camera, S5k6A3 camera, WM8994 sound SoC, and aS6E8AB0 display with 1280 × 800 resolution. Do you think that this is the future Nexus smartphone, or does it have any possibility of evolving into a new Google tablet device instead? Only time will tell, but you might want to wash down this piece of news with a few grains of salt as well since nothing has been confirmed yet.