When it comes to corporate social responsibility, companies do have a department dedicated to ensure that the less fortunate and in need of help in this world will be given a hand. Samsung is one of them, and recently they shared about assisting a village in South Africa by turning it into a solar-powered Internet school. The Samsung solar-powered Internet school is located in Phomolong, which is a rural area near Johannesburg, South Africa. Both students and villagers did not have access to modern educational facilities and access to the Internet prior, and in under a year since it was launched, the kids there have managed to discover the wonders of the Internet – and I am quite sure, too, the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

The entire school is exclusively solar-powered, and it was specially geared towards increasing accessibility to education and connectivity across the continent of Africa. Perhaps this is a working model of an example that could be implemented across remote rural areas in Africa that have limited or no access to electricity. [Press Release]

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