It seemed like a milestone when Apple and HTC finally managed to arrive at a settlement agreement where both companies agreed to license each other’s patents for a period of 10 years, making this a step in the right direction towards a peaceful resolution in this patent war. However Apple still has other opponents left such as Motorola Mobility and Samsung, and while the latter might not be willing to play ball and reach a settlement, it seems that Motorola Mobility might and in a recent court filing discovered by Bloomberg, it was revealed that Apple is “interested in resolving its dispute with Motorola completely and agrees that arbitration may be the best vehicle to resolve the parties’ dispute.”

Google, who now owns Motorola Mobility, seemed to agree in a letter to Apple filed with the court, indicating that they would like to explore “constructive dialogue” to resolve the patent dispute between both companies. While the filing does not include every patent that Apple and Motorola Mobility are disputing, it has been suggested that through the wording used in the filing that Apple could be seeking some sort of broadly applicable licensing agreement across the board. We’re not sure when and how long it would take for Apple and Motorola Mobility to work things out, but if Apple and HTC managed to reach a resolution, we suppose the same could happen with Motorola Mobility as well.

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