We’re just two days away from RIM’s big press event where we’ll learn more about its upcoming BlackBerry 10 devices, two of which we assume will be the BlacBerry 10 Z10 and BlackBerry 10 X10 while a BlackBerry 10 tablet would be nice to see, we’re not holding our breath on it making its debut this Wednesday.
Since we’re so close to the event, it isn’t unexpected for additional leaks to be made. Such is the case as a number of images have made their way to the Web that not only show off the Z10, which we’ve seen a number of times already, but show it in its white version. We heard reports of a white Z10 mentioned in the past, but have yet to see a real version of it.
The images were sent to Gadget Help Line by an anonymous tipster that show the white Z10 with a 4.2-inch HD display, a BlackBerry logo on the back of the device and silver volume, power and hardware button. The back of the Z10 also has a dimpled finish.
Expect to hear more about this and other BlackBerry 10 devices on Wednesday morning where we’ll be attending RIM’s event to provide you with more information and a closer look at everything they plan on revealing.
Filed in BlackBerry, BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry Z10 and RIM.
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