Being able to grow a garden if you’re a shut-in is pretty much impossible considering how much light plants need on a regular basis. But a new garden called the Smart Herb Garden may allow those of you who completely shun the daylight to finally be able to grow those “herbs” you’ve been dying to have.
The Smart Herb Garden uses an LED growing lamp to grow your herbs and a few select vegetables without any need for that dastardly sun. All you need to do is snap in your plant cartridges, fill in the water reservoir, and sit back to have the Smart Herb Garden do all of the actual growing for you. The garden doesn’t even use soil as it uses a nanotech material that’s been specifically engineered to supply the plant’s roots with the amount of oxygen, water and other nutrients it needs to grown.
The Smart Herb Garden can be found over at Kickstarter where a pledge of $29 pledge will get you the garden itself, while a $39 pledge will get you the garden with three plant cartridges: basil, thyme and lemon balm. Additional pledges are also available that will include various colored lids as well as different colored gardens.
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