Nokia Lumia smartphones are a result of a billion dollar deal between the Finnish manufacturer and Microsoft. Nokia buried its own operating system in favor of Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform. The entire smartphone line is built on this very platform, and it is doing quite well. Considering that Lumia 920 is the best selling Windows Phone device, its not unexpected to see that Nokia Lumia sales hit a new record this past quarter.
In its Q1 2013 earnings report Nokia states that it sold 5.6 million Lumia smartphones, a big increase from the previous quarter in which it sold 4.4 million Lumias. It also mentions in the report that two thirds of all Lumia devices sold in Q1 2013 were running on Windows Phone 8. Despite global sales being at a record high, Nokia has taken a hit in the U.S. market. Only 400,000 devices were shipped, causing a 33% year on year decline. The U.S. market is dominated largely by Apple and Samsung, though Nokia is trying hard to capture a substantial piece of the market. Nokia’s upcoming Verizon Lumia 928 launch might help boosting its share in this particular market.
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