Apple did not announce the new Mac Pro at WWDC 2013, but it did offer a sneak peak of its radically different tower machine. The internal specifications that Apple detailed are no doubt amazing, but its the design that has captivated many. The Mac Pro design has actually sparked creative imagination in many Japanese artists who have posted on Twitter their own creations that are based on this machine’s cylindrical tube like design. For example the image you see above is, according to the artist, Steve Jobs descending down in the Mac Pro, Terminator style.
The artist says that he’ll now be able to roast with the new Mac Pro!
Mac Pro with steaming rice, this artist’s imagination.
Doesn’t this imagination make you hungry?
As the artist rightly says, this design can spark an endless creative streak.
The artist calls this Mac’n’Cheese. My second favorite kind of Mac.
One can definitely imagine about dessert.
Another artist’s unique rendition of Mac Pro’s design.
This one’s got some insane power
This artist presents Mac Pro with Sea Lion
And last but not the least, one with hot coals inside. Pretty cool stuff, no?