
We know just how important it is to be able to experience the ultimate in comfort while you’re on your laptop, and there’s no better place to rest while surfing the net than in your bed. The only problem is that it’s nearly impossible to find a comfortable spot without having to bend and twist your body in all sorts of unnatural positions. The absolute best position to use a laptop would be to have it hanging upside down while you’re laying flat on your back, and thanks to the WorkEZ Executive laptop desk, you can now type away while laying on your back.

The WorkEZ Executive laptop desk retails for $65 and isn’t only usable while laying in bed as it has a number of different ways it can be used. It can be used as a standard laptop desk that can be used in a chair, but it can also be used on top of your work desk to either prop up the display of your laptop or hold anything else you’d like to have at eye level. But one of the main reasons why we can see us buying it is for the fact that you can use your laptop upside down without it crashing down on your extremely fragile face.

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