Well, this is definitely a first for the UPS Store, as they have just announced that they will hold the distinction of being the first nationwide retailer to test out 3D printing services; and this is done in-store, of course. Not all UPS Stores will offer this particular service, but only select ones, and this service is suitable for start-ups, small businesses and retail customers. It will kick off in the San Diego area, where other locations in additional cities across the US too, will be on the receiving end of this particular service sometime down the road.

Michelle Van Slyke, vice president of marketing and small business solutions at The UPS Store, said, “Start-ups, entrepreneurs and small business owners may not have the capital to purchase a 3D printer on their own, but they may have a need to show prototypes to their current and potential customers. By offering 3D printing capabilities in-center, we’re able to help further our small business customers’ opportunities for success.”

Right now, the UPS Store is testing out the Stratasys uPrint SE Plus printer, whose claim to fame is the ability to print detailed objects more accurately than home 3D printers. This is definitely one way for small businesses to churn out prototypes without burning a hole in their pocket, and enthusiasts too might want to take a gander at it. [Press Release]

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