How is your grasp with languages? What if we were to tell you that an Illinois Department of Employment Security professional is capable of appealing your denied claim in Klingon? For those of you who have never had anything to do with Star Trek before, it would do you well to know that Klingon is an unofficial language which was created for humanoid characters in the “Star Trek” TV series as well as movies, where this can be done on the IDES website. The site does offer translations to other languages too, using Microsoft Translator, and apart from Klingon, the other options are Spanish, Polish, Simplified Chinese, and Russian.
Just how did this Klingon translation bit come about anyways? Well, it begun as a promotion for the “Star Trek Into Darkness” movie which was released in May earlier this year, and it continued to be up there after the movie had run its course in cinemas all over the world. Since the department also received positive feedback from a segment of users who found it humorous, not to mention drawing a fair amount of traffic to the website itself, they decided to leave it up there. After all, having a Klingon translation does not cost the department a single cent in operational costs as the Microsoft translation service happens to be free, unlike your lunch.