
Considering how much we enjoy taking our content on the go as we can play games, watch videos and listen to music all from our mobile devices, we wonder what took so long to bring this technology to our earlobes. Actually – we didn’t wonder that, but apparently the creators behind Video Earrings did, and have created a product that is pretty much two small LCDs hanging from your earlobes.

The Video Earrings features a 2-inch by 1-inch screen with a built-in battery that apparently can stream videos and display slideshows for 4-8 hours on a full charge, with a full recharge only taking one hour. Files can be transferred to the Video Earrings through USB, which the device comes in three different flash drive sizes: 2GB, 4GB and 8GB. The 2GB Video Earrings will cost $200, and each jump in size will cost an additional $50.

Video Earrings are currently in the crowd-funding stage as its creators are currently running an Indigogo campaign which will get you early adopters a pair of 2GB earrings for only $150. We’re not sure who exactly would want something like this hanging from their earlobes, but if you are that kind of person, then head on over to Video Earrings’ Indiegogo page and get this sucker funded.

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