The holidays means we’re all going to be traveling across the country, and in some cases, the world, in order to be with our family to celebrate various holidays we all celebrate. The holidays also mean many of us are going to be intaking alcohol at an alarming rate for this same reason, so what better way to hide your addiction to alcohol than in something that makes your video game addiction apparent?
Ink Whiskey have come up with what they’re calling the Entertainment Flask, which is a drink flask that disguises itself as a video game cartridge for the NES. Each NES cartridge Ink Whiskey has created is a spoof on some of the most popular NES titles of all time: Drunk Hunt, Castle Vodka, Bar-Hop Bros., Metal Beer and Legend of Drink. The cartridge and its art will certainly not cause any alarm to anyone around you if they don’t inspect it too closely, but as soon as you pop open the flask, that’s when those around you will know what a real drunk gamer you are.
Ink Whiskey launched a Kickstarter campaign earlier this month, which they easily met its modest goal of $12,000. There are just three days to go, so if you want to get in on the Entertainment Flask, a pledge of $20 will get you any of the normal flasks, while $50 or more will get you the Legend of Drunk edition.