
YouTube, the biggest online video sharing website in the world, owes much of its success to creators who actually come up with shows and projects that make people want to come back. Sure the odd video clip attracts traffic of its own but some of the most popular YouTube creators boast followers well into the millions with their videos getting hundreds of millions of views. YouTube does its part to provide services to this community and to aspiring creators, the “Spaces” studios are a prime example, and now one is being opened up in New York next month.

YouTube Spaces are already up and running in Los Angeles, London and Tokyo. In layman’s terms these are studios where creators can come and film their videos. They get access to professional equipment like cameras, lights and boom microphones as well as the chance to interact some of the experts in this industry.

According to The New York Times these studios have seen over 30,000 people attending over 450 workshops in the aforementioned cities, with 6,000 videos being created that were viewed for 47 million hours.

The 20,000 square-foot space is located on the sixth floor of a building in Chelsea Market and it is anticipated that the New York YouTube Space is going to be opened on November 6th.

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