Video games that are made into movies or TV shows don’t necessary fare too well, unless it’s Pokemon which seems to have a huge following through its video games and its animated TV series and movies. Could Nintendo be looking to replicate that success with one of their other franchises?
Apparently yes. According to the folks at BuzzFeed who got their hands on one of the leaked emails from the Sony Pictures hack, it seems that Nintendo and Sony have spoken to each other at the possibility of creating a Super Mario Bros. animated movie. The email BuzzFeed got was the exchange between producer Avi Arad and Sony Studio Chief Amy Pascal.
“I am the proud father of mario the animated film [sic],” producer Avi Arad told Sony Studio Chief Amy Pascal in an email dated Oct. 23, 2014, with the subject line “Mario.” Arad then forwarded Pascal separate images of him with Mario Bros.creator Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, the latter of which included the message, “Happy ceo, lets get together, it’s the mother load [sic].”
Pascal later forwarded the email to the head of TriStar Pictures, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures, Tom Rothman with the message, “Avi closed Mario brothers. Animated.” Now given that the email was sent back in October, it is safe to say that if and when such a movie were to be made, we would probably have to wait quite a bit.
That being said, it’s interesting to note that despite Mario being a Nintendo franchise that neither Nintendo nor Sony appear to have any issues with it. In any case if you follow Hollywood, you know that movie rights get purchased all the time but yet the actual movie never gets made, so for all we know the same could happen to the Mario movie. That being said what do you guys think? Do you want to see an animated Mario movie?
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