
Notes isn’t the only Facebook feature that has received a major update today, the world’s largest social network is also changing the way it handles Events. From now on Facebook is going to treat public and private events differently, users will get separate features depending on the kind of event they’re creating and the experience will be tailored to that particular category whether its private or public.

Facebook will now show more information for public events such as location details, photos of the venue, artist’s profile and larger header images on the page itself. Since wall posts generally don’t add much value to an event page they will be less prominent because generally they are posts from strangers who have no direct control over the event’s management.

The only way to show interest in an event is to click on the “Join” button now even if you have no intention of attending, Facebook is looking at alternatives to this like “Remind me” or “Follow” to make sure that only those who truly have the intention of attending click on the Join button.

Private events have been overhauled as well with improved cover art and themes to add a bit of splash to the otherwise boring pages, themes have categories such as food and drink, holiday, seasons and more.

These changes are rolling out to the Android app first before they arrive on iOS and ultimately on the desktop.

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