Image credit - Akiba PC Hotline

Image credit – Akiba PC Hotline

With the invention of virtual reality, we guess it shouldn’t really be surprising to see that porn would somehow find its way to the technology. In fact even before VR became more mainstream, the concept of VR porn has found its way into movies, TV shows, and so on, so really this shouldn’t be completely unexpected.

However it seems that over in Japan, VR porn is being taken to the next level because according to a report from Akiba PC Hotline (via Kotaku), a porn company in the country has decided to establish VR porn rooms in Tokyo. We probably don’t need to say this, but basically these VR rooms are available for rent in which users will get to experience VR porn in private.

The company in question, Soft On Demand, also plans to allow the rental of these rooms for people to watch normal porn DVDs, or to read manga or surf the net, whatever they fancy since these rooms are being rented out on an hourly basis. As for pricing, one hour is said to cost 550 yen, but if for some reason you think you might need the entire day, it will be priced at 3150 yen.

We’re not sure how we feel about such services, but if you’re ever in the area, Akihabara in case you’re wondering, and if you’re curious, why not pop in for a visit?

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