Image credit – Chuck Zlotnick/© Marvel Studios 2019

Marvel’s Captain Marvel movie was announced a couple of years ago where Brie Larson had been cast as the lead character Progress seems to be going well and earlier this year, we got a look at Larson in the Captain Marvel costume, which at that time was pictured in green because it was supposed to represent the character in her earlier life.

Now thanks to new photos posted by Entertainment Weekly, we have a better look at Larson in the more iconic red, blue, and gold Captain Marvel costume, along with a bunch of other photos that shows off some of the other characters in the movie, such as Ronan the Accuser, Korath, Nick Fury, and Mar-Vell.

Captain Marvel is a movie that many are looking forward to as she will represent the latest character to be added to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It will also represent the first solo, female-led movie in the MCU, and also in terms of story, Captain Marvel was hinted at to play a role in helping save the world in the Avengers 4 movie.

Captain Marvel will be released in the early part of 2019 ahead of Avengers 4, where we will be given an introduction to the character, her backstory, her powers, and how she possibly fits into the next Avengers movie.

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