We’re sure that we’ve all come across YouTube videos which have either its music removed or the entire video taken down due to alleged copyright infringement. Sometimes these takedowns are legit and are at the request of record labels or movie studios, but sometimes, they are taken down by trolls who report videos even if there are no issues.

However, to prevent the abuse of the system, YouTube has announced that they plan on revamping its copyright infringement system. What this means is that from now onwards, anyone who plans to file a copyright infringement claim on a video will need to specifically mention which part of the video is infringing on copyright material.

This is versus the old system where anyone could report entire videos without being specific. While this system has the potential to help prevent abuse of the system, it can also work on legitimate copyright claims. Previously, creators whose videos were taken down weren’t really told specifically which part of their videos might be problematic, but with this new system, creators can revisit the highlighted portions to make changes that will address any copyright claim issues.

Note that these are for manual claims which will be separate from YouTube’s automatic Content ID checking system.

Filed in General. Read more about and . Source: gizmodo

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