Last week, to the surprise of everyone and to the delight of the repair community, Apple announced a self service repair program. This is basically a dedicated website that will allow customers to purchase components and tools from Apple that would allow them to fix their own products.

Now according to a report from MacRumors, they’ve obtained an internal Apple memo that has revealed that Apple will actually not be in charge of this program, but rather a third-party will be handling it.

In a way it’s not too surprising since it would be easier for Apple to outsource shipping of parts to customers. As MacRumors points out, Apple already does that for their Authorized Service Providers, so in a way we should have expected this. On paper it shouldn’t change the benefits of such a program either. This is because at the end of the day, users will still be able to get their hands on genuine parts and tools and documentation.

Right now the program will only cover the iPhone, but Apple is expected to eventually expand it to cover other products such as its Mac computers. The initial launch of the program has been very well-received by the community, but as it has yet to go live, some still hold a bit of reservations as to whether or not this is the program we’ve all been waiting for or if there is some kind of catch to it.

Filed in Apple >General. Read more about and . Source: macrumors

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