That being said, some of you might recall that engineer Ken Pillonel recently modded an iPhone X to give it a working USB-C port, and it seems that he has since listed his creation on eBay where the top bid at this time of writing is at the $100,000 mark. According to Pillonel, he is calling this the world’s first public iPhone with a USB-C port, which we suppose he is correct as it is possible that Apple probably prototyped iPhones with USB-C ports that they never released.
According to the description, “I guarantee that the phone will work when you receive it but if you don’t follow the aforementionned guidelines you are on your own. So basically you can do whatever you want with it but don’t expect anything from me if you break something. It is just a prototype.”
That being said, with it priced at $100,000, we’re not sure if this is a serious bid or a joke one since paying $100,000 is quite a lot for a phone, but who knows, maybe to some collectors it might be worth it.
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