Keyboard shortcuts are underrated. At least, when you are using a browser, only a handful of people care about utilizing the keyboard shortcuts available for the browser.
So, as something to help you get more things done quickly, here, we list the best useful Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts available.
Note: The shortcuts for Windows/Linux/Chrome OS might differ from macOS. We will be covering both in this article. Also, you will notice some of the shortcuts working on other browsers like Firefox as well.
Essential Chrome Shortcuts for Windows/Chrome OS/Linux

Chrome on Linux
If I go on to make a list of shortcuts available – it will be a huge list. But, not every keyboard shortcut is important/useful. Sometimes it’s just better to perform a mouse click instead of a keyboard shortcut.
So, we shall limit the list with the best useful shortcuts for Chrome.
- Open A New Tab: CTRL + T
- Open A New Window: CTRL + N
- Open A New Incognito Window: CTRL + SHIFT + N
- Close The Current Tab: CTRL + W
- Jump To The Next Active Tab: CTRL + TAB (If you press and hold TAB, you will be able to navigate through the tabs easily)
- Close The Current Window: CTRL + Shift + W
- Minimize The Current Window (For Linux distros without minimize button in the window): ALT + Space + Enter
- Open The History Page In New Tab: CTRL + H
- Open The Downloads In A New Tab: CTRL + J
- Launch The Clear Browsing Data Option: CTRL + Shift + Delete
- Close Google Chrome: Alt + F and then X
- To Perform A Google Search In A New Tab: Enter the search term and then press Alt + Enter
- Reload The Current Page: F5
- Stop Loading Of A Webpage: Esc
- Options To Print The Current Page: CTRL + P
- Options To Save The Current Page: CTRL + S
- Go To The Top Of The Page: HOME
- Go To The Bottom Of The Page: End
- Scroll Down A Web Page (one screen at a time): Space
Chrome Shortcuts For macOS

Just like Windows/Linux, you should be able to utilize useful keyboard shortcuts on your Mac system. However, there are a few things you need to enable full keyboard access to all controls.
To do that, navigate to the System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts (Tab) -> toggle ‘All Controls’ option under Full Keyboard Access section.
Once you’ve done this, you can start using the chrome shortcuts mentioned below:
- Open A New Tab: ⌘ + T
- Open A New Window: ⌘ + N
- Open A New Incognito Window: ⌘ + Shift + N
- Close The Current Tab: ⌘ + W
- Jump To The Next Active Tab: ⌘ + Option + Right arrow
- Close The Current Window: ⌘ + Shift + W
- Minimize The Current Window: ⌘ + M
- Open The History Page In New Tab: ⌘ + Y
- Open The Downloads In A New Tab: ⌘ + Shift + J
- Launch The Clear Browsing Data Option: ⌘ + Shift + Delete
- Close Google Chrome: ⌘ + Q
- Reload The Current Page: ⌘ + Shift + R
- Stop Loading Of A Webpage: Esc
- Options To Print The Current Page: ⌘ + P
- Options To Save The Current Page: ⌘ + S
- Scroll Down A Web Page (one screen at a time): Space
Wrapping Up
In addition to all the mentioned shortcuts, if you think you need to explore more chrome shortcuts, you can find the complete list of keyboard shortcuts on Google’s official resource page.
Even though the shortcuts come in handy, it really depends on your personal preference if you are comfortable using a mouse or a keyboard.
Did we miss any of your favorite keyboard shortcuts on Google Chrome? Let us know in the comments below.
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