Articles about eco-friendly (page 5)

Rocking Chair turns kinetic energy into electrical power
X-T-Rex concept racing car goes green
AK-1000 tidal energy turbine could be the world's largest
Iseami House is self-sufficient where water and energy are concerned
Bus stop concept aims to improve Peruvian public transport
Dragonfly helicopter runs on hydrogen
Tulppaani wind power station lights up its surroundings as well
Solar-powered yacht has hidden solar panels
This Rolling Stone for sure gathers no moss
Instant Cartridge Printer does its bit for the environment
NoVelo human-powered vehicle updates Flintstones age
Empire State Building set to go green
HighDro Power turns flushing toilets into power generating outlets
Fortune Hanebrink all terrain bike runs on electric power
Whisky turned to watts at Scotch distillery
Green Samba electric water vehicle for the masses
Japanese sunlight collection system to collect 50 kilowatts of juice
Dexim DCA199 Foldable Solar-Powered P-Flip for the iPhone 3G and 3GS
Electric backpack harness system could help with future urban transportation
Wind turbine has no blades, creates no noise