Apple has sent out notifications that it will be holding a press conference this Friday, July 16th. Details on what would be covered were scarce, but it is confirmed that it’s related to the iPhone 4. The 10AM Pacific (1PM Eastern) press conference is expected to involve the iPhone 4’s Death Grip issue, which causes the cellular signal to degrade when you hold the phone in a certain manner. And with Consumer Reports recently deciding against recommending the phone due to the antenna flaw, it could be an effort to prevent the negative press from getting out of hand, or perhaps announcing a solution to it, with some parties speculating that Apple might hand out free bumper cases that prevent the problem. If you’re wondering why everybody is still so hyped up about the iPhone 4 despite this issue, check out our detailed iPhone 4 review.
Filed in Apple Inc, Death Grip, iPhone, iPhone 4 and Press Conference.
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