Energy Neutral Portable Classroom paves the way for a greener future

What better way to make sure the younger generation understands how important it is to conserve the environment for the betterment of mankind than in a classroom? Drum home the importance by teaching them in an Energy Neutral Portable Classroom – now that’s certainly a thought. This unique classroom was designed by award-winning design firm Anderson Anderson Architecture, where it aims to deliver an optimized educational environment for students and teachers without sacrificing sustainability principals. Basically, it will go about collecting, generating and conserving natural resources such as electrical power, daylight, wind energy and rainwater. A steel frame and steel and rigid foam sandwich panel floor alongside a specially put-together roof system will help maximize insulation and heat reflection. Solar panels on the roof will be able to generate additional juice if required, and since it can be dismantled and transported, this concept if realized, could go a long way in bringing hope and knowledge to the world.

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