In today’s age where everybody is connected to the internet and storing important information online, security has become a major concern for online services everywhere. Google recognizes this issue and has decided to improve their security for their online services and has introduced a new feature called 2-step verification. While 2-step verification isn’t something new (it’s been around for awhile now), it is a pretty useful way to increase the security of online accounts. In order to use 2-step verification, you need your login name and password (as usual) and an additional password. The second password is code that is sent to or generated with your phone using an app (app currently only available for Android, BlackBerry or iPhones). Since the code is linked to your account and can only be sent to or generated on your phone, it’s a pretty sure way for Google to verify that it’s you who is logging in to your account since someone who is trying to log on as you won’t have access to both your phone and login details. Head over to the official Google blog to find out how to activate 2-step verification for your account.
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