Tiger Woods is without a doubt one of the best golfers in the world, and every golfer probably wants to be like him. If you’re a golfer, there’s a high chance you won’t be the next Tiger Woods, but don’t let that discourage you from improving your game, and what better way to improve your golf swing than with lessons from the man himself? Shotzoom has officially announced the golfing app called Tiger Woods: My Swing. To use this app, all you have to do is set your phone down and record yourself hitting a ball. The app will then compare the recording with one of 24 swings by Tiger Woods, who will then give you tips and techniques on how you can improve your game. The developer of the app, Craig Prichard, mentioned that this was what Tiger did to improve – he recorded and analyzed his swings himself, but he didn’t have any lines or grids to help him unlike this app. Tiger Woods: My Swing will set you back $10 and will be available soon on the Apple App Store. Hit the break to watch a video of the app in action:
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