The good news is that if you’re running on a jailbroken iOS device, developer Andrew Liu, who creates themes for jailbroken iOS devices, has released a version of Swype (or perhaps it’s a port, we can’t be sure, hence the quotation marks in the title) for both the iPhone and the iPad. It’s currently available in the Cydia repository although at the moment it’s rather bareboned.
Some features that Android users have been used to, such as the blue line that is drawn from letter to letter, has not made its way to the iOS version yet. The app apparently only works on native iOS apps (Messages, Notes, etc), which means that if you try to use it on third-party apps, it’s pretty much a hit-and-miss scenario. As it is the first release, users can expect the app to be rather buggy, but we’re guessing this should improve over time as the kinks get worked out.
Check out the video demonstration below, which shows Swype for iOS in action, and also reveals some of the glitches that the developer has yet to iron out.
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