There’s been a lot of talk lately about Star Wars: Episode 7 now that we know all of the original Star Wars actors were accidentally confirmed by George Lucas himself. With that bit of news, Star Wars fans have immediately become extremely excited about the next film and just what kind of role each of the previous film’s stars will have in the new film.
Illustrator Adam Schickling created a conceptual Star Wars: Episode 7 movie poster that not only has Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford prominently displayed, with wrinkles and all, but also Lando Calrissian himself Billy Dee Williams. Schickling also threw Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2 in there for good measure.
The conceptual poster looks amazing and certainly fits with each of the previous film’s posters, although we’d certainly like to question Shickling on his portrait of Carrie Fisher since we know she’s probably a tad more wrinkly than that. We also think Chewbacca should have a few gray hairs just so he looks as old as everyone else in the cast.
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