The promotional video of Google Now for iOS allegedly leaked online back in March and it was quickly taken down. The video offered some assurance that Google will soon be releasing this app for iOS and indeed it did. Only a couple of days back, Google Now for iPhone and iPad was officially released though not as a standalone app, it is actually included in the Google Search app.
Google Now provides users with information such as traffic and weather. This requires Location Services to run constantly, which can have an effect on the battery life. Other apps mostly need Location Services when they need to pinpoint the user’s location, for example like checking in to a venue using Foursquare or even Facebook for that matter. Google Now’s constant use of this service can drain battery life, however the fix is very simple. Simply launch the Settings app and turn off Location Services for Google Search app when you’re not going to use Google Now. Turn it back on when using Now. Yes, its definitely cumbersome, but you never know when you’ll be in dire need of all the power your device’s battery can provide.
Filed in Google Now, Google Search and iOS.
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