xbox-one-headsetSo, the dust has settled after the recently conclude E3 2013 earlier this month, and boy were we treated to a no-holds barred contest between Microsoft and Sony as they attempted to win the affections (and eventually, money) of consumers with their Xbox One and PS4, respectively. Early buzz on the Internet seem to point towards the PS4 picking up an early lead, not to mention Microsoft having to perform a U-turn on their games policy. Regardless, both upcoming consoles have had their fair share of pre-order buzz, and they look to explode from the starting blocks, too. Having said that, the Xbox One wired headset has just been announced, and it looks pretty much run of the mill.

According to IGN’s side of the story, the Microsoft Xbox One wired headset will feature a wideband voice codec which will help improve voice chat, although no other details were revealed. The wired headset does come with a mute button, and the + and – volume buttons which have been placed on the controller input side, and we are not ruling out the possibility of Microsoft rolling out a higher end headset for the Xbox One eventually, perhaps one that drops wired connectivity? Pricing and availability details remain to be established as at press time.

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