
We think it’s safe to say playing video games and cursing up a storm goes hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Sure – many of us try to live a life free to expletives, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the population will hold back their potty mouths, but Microsoft apparently is attempting to do so within its Upload Studio application.

Some Xbox One users have run into some issues with their uploaded videos using the consoles Upload Studio app. It seems videos that contain foul language will reward the user who uploaded the video with a temporary ban on voice communications, which some users reported some apps like Skype are inaccessible.

Microsoft released a statement to TechCrunch saying “the Xbox Live Policy & Enforcement team does not monitor direct peer-to-peer communications like Skype chats and calls. Also, we take Code of Conduct moderation via Upload Studio very seriously. We want a clean, safe and fun environment for all users. Excessive profanity as well as other Code of Conduct violations will be enforced upon and result in suspension of some or all privileges on Xbox Live. We remain committed to preserving and promoting a safe, secure and enjoyable experience for all of our Xbox Live members.”

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