We often come across viral content on the internet that restores our faith in humanity. The reason why such content gets quite popular online in the first place is because it makes other people feel good about the world, regardless of how much negativity is spewed out there every day. The most recent example of this is truly heartwarming. A little girl, Katie, who wanted to spend time with her dad on his birthday wrote a letter to his employer, Google, asking if he could have a day off to celebrate his birthday. Google responded perfectly.
This letter has been circulating on the internet for the past few days now and has gathered quite a lot of steam. “Dear google worker,” it reads, “can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off. Live he can get a day off on wednesday because daddy ONLY gets a day off on saturday.”
Now you might think she couldn’t possibly be even more cute, but you’re wrong. “P.S. It is daddy’s BIRTHDAY!,” she writes, and finishes it with a solid argument, “P.P.S. It is Summer, you know.”

Google responded through a letter of its own, on its letterhead. “Thank you for your thoughtful note and request,” it said. The company gave Katie’s dad the entire first week of July off as vacation time, “on the occasion of his Birthday, and recognizing the importance of taking some Wednesdays off during the summer.”
A spokesperson for the company confirmed to TheBlaze that the letter is indeed authentic. No doubt that little Katie is very happy, and Google earned itself a ton of brownie points.
Filed in Google.
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