One of the features of Spotify was that it allowed indie artists to upload music directly to its platform. Given that some indie artists are not represented by record companies, it can be tricky for them to get their music out there, which is why this feature was actually a welcome one as it made it easier for artists to take advantage of Spotify’s massive user base.

Unfortunately, it seems that Spotify has decided to can the feature, according to an announcement made on its website. According to the company, “We’re working with our distribution partners to help make this transition as simple as possible for the artists who uploaded music through the beta. At the end of this month, we’ll stop accepting any new uploads through Spotify for Artists, and artists will need to move their already released content to another provider.”

According to Spotify, they claim that this is about resource management, where the company claims, “The best way for us to serve artists and labels is to focus our resources on developing tools in areas where Spotify can uniquely benefit them.” As we said, there will no doubt be some indie artists who might miss this feature, so until then it looks like indie artists will have to find another way to distribute their music through Spotify.

Filed in Audio. Read more about , and . Source: artists.spotify

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