More details on Verizon’s gadget roadmap has surfaced today, giving us some additional details on the upcoming Motorola Stingray tablet. It has been confirmed that the tablet will sport a 10-inch display, Android 3.0 OS, 16GB of storage, and will be powered by a dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip. Despite Verizon’s recent focus on LTE, the device will apparently only ship with 3G support, but will be hardware upgradable to LTE and should ship in early 2011.
Other phones mentioned in the roadmap leak include the Samsung Continuum, Motorola Venus, Droid Pro (or Droid 2 World Edition), HTC Merge, and LG enV Pro. Data-related devices include the ZTE FiveSpot 3G pocket router, and LTE 4G USB modems from LG, Pantech, and Novatel should be arriving, along with a Novatel MiFi router with 4G support.
Filed in Android, Google, Leaked, Motorola, Roadmap, Tablet and Verizon.
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