The Wall Street Journal has reported some very interesting news. Apparently according to a source familiar with the matter, Verizon will be releasing the iPhone around the end of the month. Big Red has invited reporters to a press event next Tuesday, and that is where they are expected to announce the big news. Because of Apple’s track record of releasing phones between two and four weeks after they announce it, WSJ believes that this will be the case with the Verizon announcement hence the end of January release date for the iPhone. It doesn’t seem too farfetched, considering how we’ve been seeing a lot of Verizon iPhone leaks over the past few months, including a rumored February 3 launch. But take this news with a grain of salt because Apple is usually the one that holds announcements for their devices, and not the carriers. But with rumors that the Verizon iPhone is just like the iPhone 4 except that it works on the CDMA network, it might not be a big enough announcement for Apple to hold an event for it. Either way, we should find out soon enough. What are your thoughts?
Filed in Announcements, Apple Inc, Cdma, iOS, iPhone and Verizon.
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