It was only yesterday that Sony announced the banning of all PlayStation 3 hackers and pirated game users from the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services accessed through the console, and today the hackers have posted a response. Apparently the hacking community has come up with a new hack that can allow banned users to unban their own consoles or ban consoles for other players. All they need is access to the easily obtainable console’s ID to perform such actions. It doesn’t look like the dust is going to clear anytime soon, whenever Sony or the hackers make a move, the magnitude of the responses seem to increase. Let’s just hope innocent PS3 owners don’t get caught in this banning/unbanning crossfire.
[image credit: tqcast]
Filed in Ban, Hacking, Id, PlayStation 3, Playstation Network, Playstation3, PS3, Psn and Sony.
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