If you’re the kind of person who’s always forgetting to update your BlackBerry or computer whenever you have a new appointment and wished it could be done automatically like MobileMe, but for BlackBerry instead – well you’re in luck. Funambol has just released their MyFunambol service for BlackBerry which works just like MobileMe does for the iPhone. It syncs your contacts, calendars, tasks, notes and pictures with the Funambol cloud, keeping your device and your computer automatically updated without you having to manually update them both. It also features a backup and restore function to help you recover any accidentally deleted data. Currently available on the iPad and Android devices, and now on BlackBerry, you can download the beta version of the program from the BlackBerry App World. You’ll get 50MB of cloud storage space during the beta stage, but it should increase when the final version of the app is released.
Filed in BlackBerry, Blackberry Os, Cloud, Mobileme and Storage.
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